I am a mother of 3, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a niece and a friend... but somewhere along the way I lost me. Just plain old me. Where did I go?? What happened in the last 10 years to make me lose myself?
These are all things that have been bothering me a lot lately. I remember being so care free and fun, and now, I am a stressed out mommy trying to keep the kids in line, the house clean, the boss happy and my hubs comfortable. ::sigh:: On top of that, I gained 30 unwanted pounds!
So I decided its time to take back some control of myself. I cannot change the people and circumstances around me, but I can make changes for and within myself!
Change #1 - BODY! I've been working out now for the past 3 months and I got myself an awesome personal trainer to teach me the right way to get the fat off and the muscle on! So far I have lost 12lbs of fat, put on 5lbs of muscle, lost 4" around my waist and gained 1/2" to each of my calves and biceps! I also started eating healthy and portion control, which I think was my biggest problem! I've cut my rice consumption down, eat a ton more fresh fruits and veggies and just make better choices overall. This has also affected my families diet and we are all being helathy together!
Change #2 - MIND! In addition to my working out I have started doing yoga at home! I watch Namaste Yoga on Fittv whenever I can and I am learning breathing techniques, movements and stances that promote a healthy mind by creating calmness and wellbeing. The very best part is that I can do this at home and my kids have started to do it with me! I am also an avid reader and I am continuing to build my library to fill up the walls in my craft room (when its built). I am also taking online courses and community courses to improve upon my art & craft skills.
Change #3 - SPIRIT! I am an artist. Bet you didnt know that about me. I have always loved the way you can take colors, take a canvas, and build a little piece of your world with a paint brush... an escape, if you will. I went out and bought myself some new canvas, paints and bought a few more brushes to add to my already large collection. Now it comes down to making it happen... taking the time to put it all onto the canvas.
I also LIVE for nature! It nurtures and sustains me and makes me feel a calm center that I havent felt in years! I decided its time to get back out there, starting with the ocean. I am a surfer. Have been for many many years but after the birth of my first child I had to give up alot to support him on my own. Unfortunately, surfing was one of the things that had to go... fortunately, my oldest is 9yo and he LOVES the ocean too! I am going to teach him how to surf, thus getting myself back into the water as well! I am also planning hiking trips with the kids and many more camping adventures. I get to enjoy nature and be with my family, which is exactly what we all need!
And I love to play music and sing. I went ahead and pulled my acoustic guitar out of the closet and restrung it. Its been so long since I just let loose and sang... so the other night I did just that. Played some Bob Marley, my daughter joined in and we both sang... it was so nice, and just one more thing I can do with my kids, especially now that they are getting older.
So welcome home Keala! Still a mommy of 3, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a niece and a friend... but now I am coming back to being just me. Hi... I'm Keala, nice to meet you.